ACF Table Field Pro Add-on Docs

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This page content is a preview/draft of an upcoming plugin version and is not yet applicable to the latest public plugin version. The content of this page may change or not be implemented.

ACFTablefield Class

This class allows reading, rendering and modifying a table as well as updating a table field.

Get ACFTablefield class instance

$tablefield = new ACFTablefield();

Get field

Loading a tablefields data into the class to work with.

Get field

$tablefield->get_field( $selector, [$post_id = false] );


  • $selector
    • Type: string
    • Default:
    • Description:

      The field name or field key.

  • $post_id
    • Optional: yes
    • Type: mixed
    • Default: false
    • Description:

      The post ID where the value is saved. Defaults to false, which will use the current post.


Stores the field data in: ACFTablefield::$field_data

Get sub field

$tablefield->get_sub_field( $selector );

  • $selector
    • Type: string
    • Default:
    • Description:

      The field name or field key.


Stores the field data in: ACFTablefield::$field_data

Cell content

Get cell content

$cell_content_string = $tablefield->get_cell_content( $column_index, $row_index, $table_section );

Cell walker

$tablefield->cell_walker( function( $cell_content, $data ) { 
	// $data['section'] 
	// $data['row_index'] 
	// $data['cell_index'] 
	// $data['cell_options'] 
	// $data['row_options'] 
	// $data['column_options'] 
	// $data['table_options'] 
	return $cell_content; 

The cell walker iterates over all cells in the table.

Update cell content

$tablefield->update_cell_content( $cell_content_string, $column_index, $row_index, $table_section );


Move a column

$tablefield->move_column( $column_index, $target_index );

Move a row

$tablefield->move_row( $row_index, $target_index );


Add a column

$tablefield->add_column( $column_index );

Add a row

$tablefield->add_row( $row_index );


Append a column

$column_index = $tablefield->append_column();

Append a row

$row_index = $tablefield->append_row();


Remove a column

$tablefield->remove_column( $column_index );

Remove a row

$tablefield->remove_row( $row_index, $table_section );


The data() method works like an API. Data from different table sections can be read and changed.


$param = array( 
	'action' => $action, 
	'name' => $name, 
	//'section' => $section, // dependently required 
	//'row' => $row_index, // dependently required 
	//'col' => $col_index, // dependently required 
	//'value' => $value, // dependently required 
$result = $tablefield->data( $param );


  • $action
    • Type: string
    • Options: get, update, add, remove
    • Description:

      Defines the action to perfom.

  • $name
    • Optional: yes
    • Type: string
    • Default: null (returns all options)
    • Description:

      Defines the data name. Some data need row and/or col parameter. If there is no name given, all data of the section are returned on a valid set of the other parameters.

  • $section
    • Type: string
    • Default: null
    • Options: table, columns, head, body, foot
    • Description:

      Defines the data section to get the data from. This is dependently required.

  • $value
    • Type: mixed
    • Default: null
    • Description:

      Defines a value to update, add or remove.

  • $row
    • Optional: yes
    • Type: integer
    • Default: null
    • Description:

      Defines the row of the table body section to get the data from. This is dependently required.

  • $col
    • Optional: yes
    • Type: integer
    • Default: null
    • Description:

      Defines the column to get the data from. This is optional required.


On action 'get': returns the data value or an array of data name/value pairs. If no valid parameters were given or the data value not exists, null is returned. On action 'update', 'add', 'remove': returns true or false depending on whether the data has been set.

Data actions

$action Description Data
get Gets the data according to the other parameters. all
update Updates the data by replacing it. If data not exists, it sets the data. all
add Adds data to existing data. styles
remove Removes data from existing data. styles
unset Removes the data entry. all

Data sections

Section Parameters $name
Field parameter
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'name' => $name, 
field_key field_name plugin_version
All data of the table
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'table', 
A specific data of the table
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'table', 
    'name' => $name, 
use_header use_footer use_stub_column caption cols rows content_type wp_editor_toolbar styles
All data of a table column
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'column', 
    'col' => $col_index, 
A specific data of a table column
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'columns', 
    'col' => $col_index, 
    'name' => $name, 
content_type wp_editor_toolbar styles col_width col_min_width
All data of the head row
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'head', 
A specific data of the head row
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'head', 
    'name' => $name, 
content_type wp_editor_toolbar styles
All data of a head cell
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'head', 
    'col' => $col_index, 
A specific data of a head cell
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'head', 
    'col' => $col_index, 
    'name' => $name, 
content_type wp_editor_toolbar styles colspan content
All data of the foot row
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'head', 
A specific data of the foot row
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'head', 
    'name' => $name, 
content_type wp_editor_toolbar styles
All data of a foot cell
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'foot', 
    'col' => $col_index, 
A specific data of a foot cell
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'foot', 
    'col' => $col_index, 
    'name' => $name, 
content_type wp_editor_toolbar styles colspan content
All data of a body row
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'body', 
    'row' => $row_index, 
A specific data of the body row
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'body', 
    'row' => $row_index, 
    'name' => $name, 
content_type wp_editor_toolbar styles
All data of a body cell
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'body', 
    'row' => $row_index, 
    'col' => $col_index, 
A specific data of a body cell
$param = array( 
    'action' => $action, 
    'section' => 'body', 
    'row' => $row_index, 
    'col' => $col_index, 
    'name' => $name, 
content_type wp_editor_toolbar styles colspan rowspan has_span content

Data names

Name Section Type Values Action Description
content_type table columns body head foot string | null none st ed get, update

Returns the content type. st for simple text editor. ed for WordPress classic editor with customizable toolbar. If the value is null, it inherits the parent content_type option value.

wp_editor_toolbar table body columns head foot string | null basic full or custom toolbars get, update

Defines the editor toolbar. Requires content_type to be ed. If the value is null, it inherits the parent wp_editor_toolbar option value.

styles table body columns head foot string | null get, update, add, remove

Wether the table stub column should be used.

use_header table string y n get, update

Wether the table header should be used.

use_footer table string y n get, update

Wether the table footer should be used.

use_stub_column table string y n get, update

Wether the table stub column should be used.

colspan body head foot integer | null get, update

Amount of columns to span.

rowspan body integer | null get, update

Amount of rows to span.

has_span body head foot array | null

Coordinates of the spanning cell and its colspan and rowspan values.

    'c' => 0, // column index 
    'r' => 0, // row index 
    'rs' => 2, // rowspan value 
    'cs' => 2 // colspan value 
get, update

If a cell is spanned, this returns an Array which contains the information about the column and row index of the originating cell and the span distances.

caption table string get, update

The table caption content.

col_width body head foot integer | null get, update

With of the column at the admin editing table.

col_min_width body head foot integer | null get, update

Min with of the column at the admin editing table.

content body head foot string get, update

The cell content.



$content_type = $tablefield->data( [ 
	'action' => 'get', 
	'name' => 'content_type', 
	'section' => $section, 
	'row' => $row_index, // required for row data on section body 
	'col' => $col_index, // required for column data for section column and cell data for sections body, head, foot. 
] );


$tablefield->data( [ 
	'action' => 'update', 
	'name' => 'content_type', 
	'section' => $section, 
	'value' => $value, 
] );


  • $section
    • Options: table, columns, body, head, foot


$value Description
none Table content not editable
If no content type value is set, then the value is inherited from the parent setting.
st Simple text editing
ed WordPress classic editor (customizable toolbar)



$wp_editor_toolbar = $tablefield->data( [ 
	'action' => 'get', 
	'name' => 'wp_editor_toolbar', 
	'section' => $section, 
] );


$tablefield->data( [ 
	'action' => 'update', 
	'name' => 'wp_editor_toolbar', 
	'section' => $section, 
	'value' => $value, 
] );


  • $section
    • Options: table, columns, body, head, foot


$value Description
If no WordPress editor toolbar value is set, then the value is inherited from the parent setting. A toolbar value is required for the table section.
basic Basic toolbar
full Full WordPress editor toolbar


Get table option

$all_table_options = 	$tablefield->get( [ 'section' => 'table' ] ); 
$option_value = 		$tablefield->get( [ 'section' => 'table', 'name' => $data_name ] ); 
$content_type = 		$tablefield->get( [ 'section' => 'table', 'name' => 'content_type' ] ); // string 
$wp_editor_toolbar = 	$tablefield->get( [ 'section' => 'table', 'name' => 'wp_editor_toolbar' ] ); // string 
$use_header = 			$tablefield->get( [ 'section' => 'table', 'name' => 'use_header' ] ); // string 
$use_footer = 			$tablefield->get( [ 'section' => 'table', 'name' => 'use_footer' ] ); // string 
$use_stub_column = 		$tablefield->get( [ 'section' => 'table', 'name' => 'use_stub_column' ] ); // string 
$styles = 				$tablefield->get( [ 'section' => 'table', 'name' => 'styles' ] ); // string

Set table option

$tablefield->set( [ 'section' => 'table', 'name' => $data_name, 'value' => $value ] ); 
$tablefield->set( $option_name, 'true' ); // set boolean type option true 
$tablefield->set( $option_name, 'false' ); // set boolean type option false 
$tablefield->set( $option_name, array( 'add', $option_value ) ); // adds value to array type option 
$tablefield->set( $option_name, array( 'remove', $option_value ) ); // removes value from array type option 
$tablefield->set( $option_name, array( 'update', $option_value_array ) ); // updates array type option


Get column option

$all_column_options = $tablefield->get_column_option( '', $column_index ); 
$column_option = $tablefield->get_column_option( $option_name, $column_index );

Update column option

$tablefield->update_column_option( $option_name, $option_value, $column_index );

Body row

Get body row option

$all_body_row_options = $tablefield->get_body_row_option( '', $row_index ); 
$body_row_option = $tablefield->get_body_row_option( $option_name, $row_index );

Update body row option

$tablefield->update_body_row_option( $option_name, $option_value, $row_index );

Body cell

Get body cell option

$all_body_cell_options = $tablefield->get_body_cell_option( '', $row_index, $column_index ); 
$body_cell_option = $tablefield->get_body_cell_option( $option_name, $row_index, $column_index );

Update body cell option

$tablefield->update_body_cell_option( $option_name, $option_value, $row_index, $column_index );

Header row

Get header row option

$all_header_row_options = $tablefield->get_header_row_option(); 
$header_row_option = $tablefield->get_header_row_option( $option_name );

Update header row option

$tablefield->update_header_row_option( $option_name, $option_value );

Header cell

Get header cell option

$all_header_cell_options = $tablefield->get_header_cell_option( '', $cell_index ); 
$header_cell_option = $tablefield->get_header_cell_option( $option_name, $cell_index );

Update header cell option

$tablefield->update_header_cell_option( $option_name, $value, $cell_index );

Field metas

Get field meta

$all_field_metas =		$tablefield->get_field_meta(); 
$number_of_columns = 	$tablefield->get_field_meta( 'columns' ); 
$number_of_rows = 		$tablefield->get_field_meta( 'rows' ); 
$field_key = 			$tablefield->get_field_meta( 'field_key' ); 
$field_name = 			$tablefield->get_field_meta( 'field_name' ); 
$plugin_version = 		$tablefield->get_field_meta( 'plugin_version' );

Field settings

Get field setting

$all_field_seetings = $tablefield->get_field_setting(); 
// table 
$default_table = 					$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'default_table' ); // returns raw field data 
$min_columns = 						$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'min_columns' ); 
$max_columns = 						$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'max_columns' ); 
$min_rows = 						$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'min_rows' ); 
$max_rows = 						$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'max_rows' ); 
$move = 							$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'move' ); 
$move_columns = 					$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'move_columns' ); 
$move_rows = 						$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'move_rows' ); 
$body_content_type = 				$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'body_content_type' ); 
$body_content_type_editor = 		$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'body_content_type_editor' ); 
$stub_column = 						$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'stub_column' ); 
$table_header = 					$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'table_header' ); 
$table_footer = 					$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'table_footer' ); 
$table_styles = 					$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'table_styles' ); 
// columns 
$column_size = 						$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'column_size' ); 
$column_content_type = 				$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'column_content_type' ); 
$column_content_type_editor =		$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'column_content_type_editor' ); 
$column_styles = 					$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'column_styles' ); 
// body 
$body_row_content_type = 			$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'body_row_content_type' ); 
$body_row_content_type_editor =		$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'body_row_content_type_editor' ); 
$body_cell_span = 					$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'body_cell_span' ); 
$body_cell_span_column = 			$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'body_cell_span_column' ); 
$body_cell_span_row = 				$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'body_cell_span_row' ); 
$body_cell_content_type = 			$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'body_cell_content_type' ); 
$body_cell_content_type_editor =	$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'body_cell_content_type_editor' ); 
$body_row_styles = 					$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'body_row_styles' ); 
$body_cell_styles = 				$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'body_cell_styles' ); 
// header 
$header_row_content_type = 			$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'header_row_content_type' ); 
$header_row_content_type_editor = 	$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'header_row_content_type_editor' ); 
$header_cell_span = 				$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'header_cell_span' ); 
$header_cell_span_column = 			$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'header_cell_span_column' ); 
$header_cell_content_type = 		$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'header_cell_content_type' ); 
$header_cell_content_type_editor = 	$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'header_cell_content_type_editor' ); 
$header_row_styles = 				$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'header_row_styles' ); 
$header_cell_styles = 				$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'header_cell_styles' ); 
// footer 
$footer_row_content_type = 			$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'footer_row_content_type' ); 
$footer_row_content_type_editor = 	$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'footer_row_content_type_editor' ); 
$footer_cell_span = 				$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'footer_cell_span' ); 
$footer_cell_span_column = 			$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'footer_cell_span_column' ); 
$footer_cell_content_type = 		$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'footer_cell_content_type' ); 
$footer_cell_content_type_editor = 	$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'footer_cell_content_type_editor' ); 
$footer_row_styles = 				$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'footer_row_styles' ); 
$footer_cell_styles = 				$tablefield->get_field_setting( 'footer_cell_styles' );


Update field


Get Table

Get table



Returns the table HTML.

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